Get<IT> Expert Tech recruiting
For more than 5 years the “Get<IT>” agency has been recruiting top IT specialists from all over the world. We accurately select the best of the best and, believe us, you can become a part of our family.
Brevity is the soul of wit, just look
Why are we experts?
We offer
  • Unique methods
    Belief in our sharp recruitment style decreases candidate replacement cases by up to 0%. It regularly helps us meet client’s expectations
  • Recruitment process
    There are no former clients or candidates at all. Our principle is to build trust-based relationships with a person, which inevitably leads to long-term cooperation.
  • Exclusive expertise
    The narrow focus of our company and the knowledge of the specificity of the proposed job place form the synonym of success.
  • Individual Approach
    By detailed based on the job specifics, we create an accurate candidate’s profile, launch market analysis and form prices considering your budget and requests.
How to cooperate with us?
We clarify the requirements and the project advantages to provide you with as many relevant candidates as possible further.
We offer a multi-step search: internal database search, sourcing, executive search and an industry contacts search.
We conduct preliminary interviews with potential candidates and present the most fitting to you. We provide you with full support through the recruitment process.
Make sure that your offer will be accepted.